PTAB Invalidates Heavily Asserted Jabaa Patent Challenged by Askeladden
PTAB Invalidates U.S. Patent Nos. 7,837,100 and 8,905,301 based on Askeladden’s Request
Askeladden Stresses Importance of Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking to the Federal Circuit in Apple v. Vidal
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PTAB Invalidates Heavily Asserted Patent Challenged by Askeladden
March 21, 2025
The PTAB then entered adverse judgment against Jabaa and cancelled the challenged claims, after Jabaa did not contest the asserted grounds in Askeladden’s IPR petitions.
Askeladden Beats Software Patent At PTAB
March 12, 2025
An administrative patent board ruling has wiped out all of the claims in a patent covering payment software that had been asserted against over 20 different companies in the payment space.
Askeladden Thanks Judge Roderick McKelvie for His Remarkable Service on the Patent Challenge Committee
February 28, 2025
Judge McKelvie's invaluable contributions and unwavering commitment over the years have significantly advanced our mission and objectives.
How to Improve Patent Quality for Everyone—Fast
February 20, 2025
“Once claim scope is reduced until commensurate with the scope of disclosure, everything becomes easier, including analysis under section 103. Better still, defendants would not be sued on overbroad claims and owners would benefit because patents would become more reliable and invalidation rarer.”
Askeladden Stresses the Importance of Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking in Apple v. Vidal
August 12, 2024
“Left standing, the district court’s opinion offers the Patent and Trademark Office a roadmap to avoid the Administrative Procedure Act’s notice-and-comment procedures when issuing significant rules on countless topics. If the agency follows that roadmap, moreover, the result would be a less fair, less stable, and less legitimate patent system.”
How to Really Improve the U.S. Patent System: Support USPTO Employees
July 7, 2024
“Quality starts with employees. This is true for manufacturing cars and examining patents. A belief in the agency mission, having meaningful input and enough time to perform a quality job are important.”