Askeladden Seeks Inter Partes Review of N5 Technologies Patent
Petitions the PTAB to take a second look at claimed methods for authenticated access of data or services by a mobile device
For Immediate Release:
Date: October 24, 2016
Contact: Sean Oblack, 202.649.4629
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Askeladden LLC, as part of its Patent Quality Initiative, recently filed with the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) a petition for Inter Partes Review (IPR) of U.S. Patent No. 7,197,297 assigned to N5 Technologies, LLC. Since 2012, N5 Technologies has brought multiple lawsuits against members of the financial services industry asserting infringement of its patent.
N5 Technologies’ patent claims a method for authenticating requests for information originating from a mobile device, such as a cell phone. Askeladden’s petition for IPR asserts that the patent’s claims were known and obvious at the time the application for the patent was filed and should be found unpatentable.
Askeladden’s Patent Challenge Committee—a group of respected and experienced experts in the field of patent law—decided to petition for IPR of this patent as part of Askeladden’s efforts to promote patent quality.
“Poor quality patents that serve as the basis for litigation undermine the core purposes of the patent system,” said Sean Reilly, General Counsel of Askeladden. “We are working diligently on several fronts, such as IPR challenges and prior art collection, to promote patent quality in the financial services sector.”
About Patent Quality Initiative
Askeladden is an education, information and advocacy organization that launched an initiative to improve the understanding, use and reliability of patents in financial services and other industries. As part of its Patent Quality Initiative, Askeladden strives to improve the quality of issued patents and discourage the improper assertion of patents by filing amicus briefs, petitioning for Inter Partes Review and engaging in educational activities. For more information, visit